Much needs to be done in mathematics and mathematical education:
- The Gibbs-Heaviside vector algebra has a cross-product which is not associative
and without an inverse. Hence, the standard definition of vector space forms an additive
group, but allows only multiplication by a scalar -- no multiplicative group. However,
in multivector theory, by contrast, products are associative and all vectors have inverses,
as have all non-projective multtivectors. Hence, an extended vector space with additive and
multiplicative group can be considered.
- A Mathematical Handbook (PL) needs to be developed to aid teachers.
- A Syntactic Dictionary (PL) needs development to aid teachers, students, and self-teaching
- The whole of the arithmetic, algebra, geometry, analysis of complex numbers can be recast in the
language of multivectors, without any explicit reference to i =
-1. This task needs to be carried out to provide alternative learning for those who might benefit from it.
- Develop means for interactive derivation of multivector theory (say, in JavaScript), so that
students can "discover it for themselves".
- In particular, recasting "the theory of a complex variable" in multivector language allows
extensions into higher dimensions[31] not possible in the conventional Language. Not only would this
provide advances in learning but perhaps advances in mathematical physics.
- The subject of o-probability (PL) needs to be developed in mathematics, statistics, and in applications
(especially in biology and evolutionary theory, where observations are predominantly of order/degree, but
the proabilities are only in type/kind).
- Two consequences of frinteger theory (PL) are that (1) innumerable events for probability measure are
being ignored; (2) innumerable queries in database applications are being ignored. Correction is needed.
- The "lessons" of point sets (PL) in mathematics and the sciences need to be developed.
- Investigate the possibility that every algorithm can be recast in antitonic language.
- Investigate the possibility that all of mathematics can be described in bypass language.
- Investigate the possibility that every process is FuTesatefu.
- Investigate the possibility of SaTefutesa processes.
- Develop generative arithmetic in the vector-multivector format and develop a few textbooks thereof
- Develop means for interactive derivation of generative arithmetic (say, in JavaScript), so that
students can "discover it for themselves".
- Investigate applications of the fidance measure to business and other administrative processes.
- Investigate applications of the asserbility measure.
- Investigate applications of digital fuzzy logic.
- Investigate applications of intrinsic arithmetic.
- Just as the discrete binomial proability distribution gives rise to the continuous normal distribution
function. Investigate similar extension of the partorial probability distribution.
- Investigate the derivation of Euclidean geometry from reflection and its consequences in mathematics and mathematical
- Investigate possibility of deriving and developing bracket theory from alternating sum in elementary numerical