Man complain that "we have too many holidays". (Did you know that "holiday" is derived from "holy day"", days the Church designated for honoring saints or whomever. People were allowed to take off from work for this purpose, so it became a holiday.

Congress is loath to declare any more official holidays. Yet many of our benefactors and endowers are not honored or rememebered, so are ignored or unknown to many citizens and young people.

For example, do you know about Sam Slater (x-y)? He's THE FATHER OF THE AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Arriving in America from England, Sam "smuggled" out designs for textile mills and began the industrialization in our country. You can read about him im Yankee Science in America, by Dirk Struik. And Sam created The American Sunday School -- as a real school for working children, principally girls. Surely, we could honor Sam Slater on his birthday. I haven't been able to find out what it is, but some of you might undertake this.