Likely, you've heard this in your neighborhood or on TV. How to control a woman: Keep her barefoot and pregnant.

The file, "How Voting Can Become A Fixed Game", indicates the MEANS and OPPORTUNITY, and finds no need to consider MOTIVE to establish "a Fixed Game". But I choose, at this point, to raise the matter of MOTIVE.

The Media aren't telling us about this. And most people seem unaware of it. But do you suppose there are some clever politicians out there who are aware of how fixed the voting process is, and -- like the British engineer who took advntage of the biased Monto Carlo Roulette Wheel -- take advantage of it? And wish to keep it biased and little known?

How to control "A Republic": Keep the Voting Process barefoot and pregnant!

(Note: I conceived the title for this file before I heard -- in the 2000 Presidential Election -- about "pregnant chads". Honest!)