ONLINE, I have a website, "ARISE CLIONICS! UNDER, CLIO, MUSE OF HISTORY, LEARN HISTORY BY WRITING/ENACTING EVENTS". (The URL is cliopage.htm.) Hyperlinked are synopses of 45 events of mathematical or scientific discovery to be transformed into playlets and enacted. (I hope this will inspire othere to prepare synopses of nonmathematical or nonscientific events.)

As noted, the purpose is motivate students to INTERACT with the "stuff" of history, and thereby learn it.

It's well known that there is a GREAT TEACHER SHORTAGE IN THIS COUNTRY. Actors would be excellent teachers to guide students in CLIONIC activity. And the need for teachers is so great, that actors should be welcomed in this capacity.

FULFILL BE FILLING SOCIETY'S NEEDS! And you'll be using craft not called upon in waiting on tables, etc.

Happy teaching!