At the beginning of the 1960's, I was concerned, for my students, by the tempting exhortation of Timothy Leary (and other sharp extremists) to "Drop Out! And Turn On!" But I remembered the flat extremeness of the 50's for "Giving in". Then there began to develop, in the "WeatherMen" and other groups, the terrible noise of terrorism. So, connecting all this to my own natural wamping, I exhorted my students with, "DON'T DROP OUT! DON'T GIVE IN! DON'T BOOM! SIDE-STEP!" For I intuited that creative thinkers and actors, throughout history, used diversionary tactics to avoid confrontation and to "direct traffic" into a more "peaceable and useful" direction.

Later, the Canadian mathematician, Z. A. Melzak, wrote a book, Bypassing, A Simple Approach to Complexity, about the principle of conjugacy in group theory -- which Melzak now applicatied in various daily, technical and scholastic ways.

The bypass strategy bypasses a difficult or "impossible" problem or situation by accomplishing the same intent through solution of another problem. Melzak shows how BYPASSING can be used in math, science, technology, and in daily life problems.

I'll illustate how BYPASS is used to transform the difficult problem of finding the harmonic mean of data into the easy problem of finding an arithmetic mean, and transforming the answer.

                     harmonic mean of data
               invert|                   ^inverted
              numbers|                   |arithmetic mean
             x -> 1/x|                   |is harmonic
                     |                   |mean
                  calculate arithmetic mean

"Stone Soup" Folk TaleTramp bypasses peasant woman for handoutGets boiling pot of water with stone for stone soupGets vegetable and meat bits, salt pinch, "to make stone soup tasty"Removes stone, sups soup
Folk TaleFarmer complains to his priest about scolding wife, noisy children, small hutPriest says, first, to take a goat into the hut, then chickens, then farmer's mother-in-lawFarmer does so but reaches "breaking point"Then priest says get rid of all of them, and happy farmer says he'd never realized how roomy his hut was
PrehistoricWater for suppliantWater in jugTransport jugHold for drinking
Tribal LawsViolate taboosMythic drama or storyPerform or tellCatharsis
TheologyChristian view of man's "fall" and the "post-fall" conditionsOriginal sin and "fall from grace"Temporal existence in worldRedemption through Christ
Thoughts to mindsArticulated thoughtSpeak or write languageHear or read and receive thoughts
BusinessGoods or Services ExchangeSell goods or servicesStore moneyBuy goods or services
ArithmeticRepeated countingRecursive definitionAdditionState count
ArithmeticRepeated addingRecursive definitionMultiplicationState sum
ArithmeticRepeated multplicationRecursive definitionExponentiationState product
ConstructionReach heightSet up ladderClimb and workDescend, move ladder
ConsumptionFood for futureCollect foodstuffsStoreDistribute later
CriminologyCope with criminalsSentence to prisonIncarcerateRelease
DecorationDye part of eggWax maskingDip in dyeRemove wax
Electric EngineeringPower transmissionElectric generatorTransmission lineElectric motor
"The Great Escape"
Escape prison campTunnel downEscape undergroundTunnel up to surface
and escape
Means (averages)Harmonic mean hReciprocate dataArithmetic mean of reciprocalsInvert as harmonic mean h
Means (averages)Geometric mean gLogarithms of dataArithmetic mean of logsAnti-log as g
OrthopedicsHeal broken limbSplint breakSplinted healingRemove splint
TelephonyVoice across spaceTransduced to electricityCurrent along lineTransduced to sound
Move scattered belongingsPack belongingsMove packageUnpack, scatter
CountingCount setsRussell's cardinal definitionCardinateObtain set count
GeometryCircle to squareCircle to ellipsehomologizeSquare to rectangle
GeometryGeometric constructionCoordinatizeConstructRemove coordinates
Gödel's undecidability proofTest proposition pGödel number of pDiagonalizeUndecidable form
Group theoryPartition group GSubgroup g of
(norml subgroup) H:Hg(inv) gHg=H
InformationConserve informationMagnetic mappingStoreDegauss information
KenningSea-stallion:shipShip:seaHomologize (::)Stallion:land
MetabolismSmall body "pipes"Solid to liquidLiquid transportLiquid to solid
MilitaryTank crossing ditchPontoon over ditchCross pontoonRemove pontoon
MiningTransport problemsOre to slurryTransport slurryDrain slurry
Respiratory or circulatoryTransport problemsGas to liquidLiquid transportLiquid to solid
SatireLampoon the powerfulAesopian format:
Humans replaced by animals
Lampoon animalsUnderstood
as satirizing
powerful humans
Scot ClansRepresent a ScotClan nameName to clan"The Mac-
Donald" as
Solid state physicsParamagnetic coolingImpose magnetic fieldThermal insulationRemove magnetic field
Tarski modelingTruth-value of propositionLanguage to metalanguageTruth predicationEvaluate proposition
New destinationPlace A: map AMap A to BMap B:Place B
Elimination algorithmEliminate equation from
Dualize equationsSubtract like-termsReduce equation set
Logical law of
excluded middle
(tertium non datur
Direct proof of theoremTreat statement to be proven as falseShow this
assumption leads to
a contradiction
(by "double negative is
positive") claim indirect
of statement
Mathematical problemSolving a difficult functional equation for an unknown function fTake an integral transform
of function f
Solve the easy
functional equation satisfied
by transform of f
Take in inverse
of the integral transform,
returning to the functional
Electronic ProductionProducing IBM PC clone without violating patent rightsAnalyze properties of ROM chip, only component unique to IBM PCTranslate properties into specifications"Reverse engineering": engineers (who don't know ROM properties) satisfy spe-
cifications with new chip, making clone legal
Double Blind TestingPossible bias from doctors evaluating their own workDoctors administer drug or method to some of sample, "placebo" to othersList of sample passed to doctors who know nothing of treatment distributionIndependent doctors examine all of sample, reporting possible improvements or declines, providing for evaluation of drug or method

Taking a tip from BYPASSES, I now revised my slogan: "Don't Drop Out!  Don't Give In!  Don't Go Boom!  BYPASS!!!"

If you return "evil" by "evil", you INCREASE "the evil in the world". If you return "evil" by an exemplary "kindness", you may DECREASE "the evil in the world", while BYPASSING your own "contamination".

                     response to evil-doing
            transform|                   ^enjoy
            evil deed|                   |your good
            into good|                   |conscience
            deed     |                   |
                pass on good deed to offender

If you can't do this, try BYPASSING the offender's territory. If you can't do that, say you've heard that schools and workplaces and neighborhoods can now imbed dot-size cameras all around to maintain security.