Ancient Egyptians calculated by unit fractions, such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/10, .... The hieroglyph for an open mouth was used to DENOTE A FRACTION, with a number hieroglyph written below this "open mouth" icon to DENOTE DENOMINATOR OF THE FRACTION. Any FRACTION we write with a non-UNIT NUMERATOR was written by ancient Egyptians as a SUM OF UNIT FRACTIONS.

These UNIT FRACTIONS have, therefore, become known as "Egyptian Fractions". We use them every day in making change for a dollar: 1 penny => $1/100; 1 nickel => $1/20; 1 dime => $1/10; 1 quarter => $1/4; 1 half-dollar => $1/2.

The great British mathematician, J. J. Sylvester (1814-197) -- whom we identified in another file as the tutor of the young Florence Nightingale -- developed AN ALGORITHM FOR CONVERTING ANY NON-UNIT FRACTION TO THE SUM OF UNIT OR EQYPTIAN FRACTIONS.