Desiderius Eramsus (1469?-1536), born in Rotterdam, Holland, is considered one of the greatest scholars of the Renaissance and of history, esteemed as "The Prince of The Humanists".
His great popularity by his thirties resulted in being sought as guest by emperors and kings, popes and cardinals, archbishops and bishps, lords and town councillors, university heads, the distinguished people of his time.
His best known work is a pamplet, In Praise of Folly, about the behavior of rulers and clerics and human vanities.
Erasmus primarily
- defended the elegance and purity of the Latin language (language of scholars, mathematicians and scientists until late nineteenth century)
- revised Christian traditions, arging for a humane approach to religion
- renewed education by publishiing grammars, treatises on child education, and creating the
Erasmus became a close friend of Marguerite, and paid her this efusive tribute: "For a long time I have cherished all the many excellent gifts that God bestowed upon you; prudence worth of a philosopher; chastity; moderation; piety; an invincible strength of soul, and a marvelous contempt for all the vanities of this world. Who could keep from admiring, in a great King's sister, such qualities as these, so rare even among the priests and monks?"