"A" is for attitude;				"N" is for nobody.
        Often needs changing                            As in "feel like" or "ain't got".
	When prejudice thrives,                         Don't nobody Somebody!
	Fairness deranging.                             You're not all that hot.

        "B" is for "blind".                             "O" is for open.
	Sigh imparied is much nicer.	        	An "open society" tangoes.
	Words hurt, tho they target                     So hop 4th your hopin' --
	Whence you're none the wiser.			With friendly fandangoes!

	"C" is for cripple,				"P" is for peron.
	A word that can hurt.				We all need respect.
	"Mobility impaired"                             "The handicapped" demeams them:
	You may say, when alert.                        "Hamdicapped persons", correct.

	"D" is for deaf:				"Q" is for quibble,
	"Hearing impaired", preferred.                  An argument that's petty.
	Not "dumb" meaning "stupid":			Our litigious society
	Mute folks hate that word!                      Supports torts not so pretty!

	"E"'s also for epilepsy --			"R" is for race.
	Nerve disorder -- not "fits".			That buzzword provokes!
	Measles or accident				Bigots bully folk-space
	Put circuits on the fritz.			With different strokes.

	"F" is for free:				"S" is for spastic.
	"Free country" they say.			Cerebral palsy's a bummer.
	Not if you NEGOTIATE				But don't slur as "spastic"
	Your RIGHTS every day!				Marchers to different drummers.

	"G" is for gender:				"T" is for trashy.
	Much nicer than "sssssexxxxxxxxxx",		Your right to be gross
	Which heaves up those hangups			Extends just as far
	Subliminal that vex.				As the tip of my nose.

	"H" is for handicapped.				"U" is for upmanship:
	Folks once had to beg,				"Gone" games played for power:
	Cap handy for alms,                       	It's life in a mixing bowl,
	Clad humbly by rag.                             Pickled sweet and sauced sour.

	"I" is for "idiot",				"V" is for "vagabond".
	Often aired when we swear.			A jaunty old adjective!
	Use learning impaired				People who are homeless
	To show that you care.				Need programs imaginative.

	"J" is for jackass.				"W" is for woman:
	Don't call me that name!			Her pedestal she's sold
	Ask any donkey:					To swing from the brass ring
	He'll tell you the same.			And go for the gold.

	"K" is for kidding.				"X" is for kisses
	Ethnic or sick jokes				(Who shucked out this corn?)
	Are ckear violations				But we all need some loving --
	And Privacy pokes.				As sure as you're born!

	"L" is for lame:				"Y" is for you.
	Sounds quaintly Biblical,			Make a difference today!
	Or so Tiny-Timish.				You "are" what you do:
	But doesn't rib-ticle.                          Every role that you play.

	"M" is for midget.				"Z" is for zap,
	A downer. Don't laugh!				As in annihilation.
	You're also "little people"			Real "class acts" can zap
	To our resident giraffe!			Ill will in our nation.