If I were an American-born Fascist -- and apparently there are many of them in this country, and quite a few Online -- I would do everything I could to vitiate and corrupt THE VOTING PROCESS. Each such action I could take would weaken our Republic.

Likely, you've heard the comment, "God help me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies." Its political version is, "God help us from friends of the Republic -- who tiwiddle their thumbs while the Republic is being assaulted, whereas were alerted by our enemies."

If I hoped to see Facism take over America, I would encourage the trend of young people to ignore their Voting Rights. GROW UP! As an Adult, you must work for a living. And you must VOTE to be a CITIZEN -- not an addict to FREELOADING.
If I hoped to see Facism take over America, I would enlist the services of many of the "standups", whose pre-occupation with scatalogical comedy must have the subliminal effect of assaulting THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY.

A "second opinion" was voiced last year by the very funny improvisational comic, Jonathan Winters, after receiving, at Kennedy Center, the "Mark Twain Award". Not as response to a reporter's question, but as a freely offered opinion, Winters protested the scatalogical fare of so many standups.

And why do so many people applaud this scatology. Reminds me of the prototypical "high school tease", who acts as if she would like to get friendly, until --.

These gulls feeding on scatlogy must think they are being treated as "intimates" by applauding such intimate talk. But are these snotty millionaires looking for intimates among the public, for which they show such contempt?

Again, God help our Republic from its "friends". Guess what would happen to them if Facism came to America.