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                                Child "Algebra
                                (Don't howlgebra!)

"I hate algebra!" "Do I have to take algebra?" "What good is algebra?"

A young woman complained to the famous American psychologist and philosopher William James: "Algebra is just a low form of cunning!"

Paraphrasing The King of Siam (expostulating in the movie The King and I, and in other versions): "Algebra is a puzzlement!"

Why the name? "Algebra" is from Arabic, allegedly meaning "bone-setting".

Whatsit? Well, I've never seen "algebra" adequately defined. I'll do so, later.

Another confusion: MATHEMATICS INCLUDES MANY DIFFERENT ALGEBRAS ("algebra of statements", "algebra of vectors", "algebra of combinations", "algebra of group operations", etc.) What most people label "algebra" should be called "Numerical Algebra" or "Arithmetic Algebra", or say, "NUMALGEBRA".

Some PUZZLEMENT derives from the way ARITHMETIC is TAUGHT. The QUASI-AXIOMATIC ("The LORD GOD commanded!") presentation of ARITHMETIC and THE NUMBER SYSTEMS looks as if "the Stork delivered them". Also, this formulation seems to encourage CHEATING.

Thus, for NATURAL or COUNTING NUMBERS, the subtraction 2 — 3 is meaningless ("can't take away 3 oranges from a heap of 2"). But then you're told you can perform this subtraction as 2 - 3 = -1, by putting a funny sign in front of a number -- which would be CHEATING!

Again, for NATURAL NUMBERS or INTEGERS, you can't perform the division 5 ÷ 2 (" You can't divide 5 people into two equals groups"). But then you're told you can perform this division as 5/2 by putting a funny slash mark between the numbers -- which would be CHEATING.

And similar puzzles arise.

Actually, THE GENERATIVE METHOD described, herein (under "Arithmetic Redux"), shows how Arithmetic is constructed and how those problems above are BYPASSED without CHEATING. But the GENERATIVE METHOD -- which began with Pythagoras (580-496 BC), 2500 years ago -- IS NOT TAUGHT!

And part of the PUZZLEMENT derives from "some of the funny rules of Arithmetic".

For example, THE RULE OF SIGNS (first encountered in MULTIPLYING INTEGERS):