                      Supposed to be ennobling.
                      "Suffer in silence":
                      Blood transmutes golden.
                      I wish to hell
		      That philosophical hack
                      Were manacled to his rhetorical rack!
                      His eyes locked into a little girl's eyes.
                      Can he ground out that cant
                      While she sighs --
                                         and cries --
                                                       and dies?

                      Frustration --
                      Fobbed off as "education".
                      Look at old Sisyphus:
                      Tumbling down hell
                      With the rest uf us.
                      Ask any dung-beetle:
                      It's all in a dirty day's work.
                      The kind of shi----ft you'd rather shirk.
                      WELL, what's so magnificent
                      In maundering manure?
                      Do you really believe
                      We can be schooled in a sewer?

                      Still --
                      Nit-picking can be petty
                      And unbecoming.
                      (Like nose-picking.)
                      I wasn't funning.
                      But wooden words
                      May be misunderstood.
                      Do you mean "suffering" --
                      The kind that you can't prevent?
                      But, after the tract,
                      When griefs relent.
                      A little child's pain
                      Should hype your brain:
                      Love's ounce of remembrance
                      For those that remain.

                      It's the age-old plaint
                      Of Theodicy.
                      If there is a God,
                      How can suffering be?
                      But my Stewardhip's not
                      To pick God's brain.
                      I ken to anticipate
                      Some of the pain.
                      To guard the sheepfold.
                      Plug the dyke.
                      Ground the spire
                      From lightning's strike.
                      God busies my hands
                      When crisis glowers.
                      I time the storm
                      In strides of hours.

                      Being is Doing
                      In time of suffering.
                      If I can do,
                      I can last.
                      That this time, too,
                      Shall pass.

                      And that's why I say --
                      And that's why I say --
                      And that's why I SAY --

                      In the height of suffering!

                      In the height of suffering!

                      In the height of suffering!

                      In the height of suffering!

                      In the height of suffering!

                      In the .......