Component of a number or
polynomial (PL) which can be factored out separately by arithmetic operations.
factorable polynomial
Can be reduced to
product of terms of lower degree than that of the polynomial.
factor group
PL quotient group.
factorial function
The number
of ways a set of n independent (PL) elements can be chosen.
This number, written as n! and n! = n(n - 1)(n - 2)
(n - 3) ... (2)(1). The first of n elements can be chosen
in n; with independence (PL), this leaves
n - 1 ways for choosing the second element; then, n = 2
ways for choosing the third element; etc.; finally, down to 2, then choices. The property
of independence of choice (PL) implies (by the multiplication theorem of combinatorics
(PL), that all of these choices are multiplied to obtain the total number of choices.
(Thus, 1! = 1, 2! = 2*1 = 2;
3! = 3*2*1 = 6; 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24; etc. This is considered the
most important and most frequently used function (a.k.a. calculating device) in the field
of combinatorics (a.k.a. combinatorial algebra, PL).
factorial, canonical partition of
Reducing a number or
polynomial to terms of lower degree.
factor of a graph
The 1-factor
of a graph (PL) with n vertices is a set of n/2 separate edges (PL) which, together, contain all vertices of the
graph as endpoints.
factor of an integer
Number component
of an integer obtained by division.
factor of a polynomial
Component of the
polynomial obtained by division.
fair game
Not biased against any
player. (A game, PL, in which a player win by playing a particular strategy,
PL, is unfair.)
faithful functor
A functor (PL)
which is injective (PL) on maps (PL), but not necessarily on objects (PL).
Example, the forgetful functor on groups.
faithful module
A module (PL),
M, over a ring (PL), M, is faithful
if, a, b e R x e M s. t. ax bx.
German for convolution
Farey sequence
For any integer,
n > 0, the set of irreducible rationals, a,
b with 0 a b
n, (a,b) = 1, arranged increasingly.Thus: F1 = {0/1, 1/1}, F2 = {0/1, 1/2, 1/1}, F3= {0/1, 1/3, 1/2,
2/3, 1/1}, F4 = {0/1, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1/1}, etc.
fast Fourier transform
A discrete
algorithm whichreduces the required number of computations (for N
points) from 2N2 to 2N lg N
where "lg" labels base-two logarithm.
Fatou's lemma
For a sequence,
{fn}, of nonnegative measureable functions (PL),
lim inf fn dm lim inf fn
Feit-Thompson theorem
Every finite
(nonclyic) simple group (PL) has even order (PL), and every finite noncommutative
simple group has order divisble by four.
Fermat number
A binomial number
(PL) of the form, Fn = 22n + 1. For
n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., the first few are 3, 5, 17,
257, 65537. Being a F. n. is the necessary (not sufficient) form a number Nn = 2n + 1 must have to be prime. For, if it is
to be prime, n cannot have an odd factor, else
Nn would be factorable; hence, for this primality, n
must be a power of two.
Fermat's four-square theorm (Bachet's conjecture)
Every positive integers can be written as the sum of at most four squares
Fermat's last theorem
Given xn + yn = zn, for integral, x, y, n, then, if z is to be integral, exponent
n cannot be greater than two. F. claimed proof, but none ever
found in his papers.
Fermat's little theorem (simple theorem, lesser theorem)
For primenumber p and natural number
a, ap a (mod p). If p
does not divide a, there is a smallest exponent, d, s. t. ad - 1 0 (mod p)
and d divides a, hence, ap - 1 - 1 0(mod p).
Fermat's little theorem converse
Lehmer's theorem.
Fermat's polygonal theorem
positive integers is the sum of at most n, n-polygonal
numbers. As with "Fermat's last theorem", F. claimed proof of this, but none found in his
Fermat's right-triangle theorem
area of a right-triangle cannot be a quare.
Fermat's spiral (parabolic spiral)
Archimedean spiral (PL) for m = 2 with equation r = aq½.
fermion theory
A subsystem of
occupancy theory (PL), in turn a subsystem of combinatorics (PL). A set
F in distinguishable fermions, F, in
number, are assigned to a set C of cells,
c, in number, at most, one to a cell. The number of possible assignments is given
by the binomial distribution: f!/(f - c)!c!, where n! = n(n-1)(n-2),,,(2)(1), the factorial function (PL). Example: F is the set of persons wishing to use a public telephone, and C is the set of telephone booths available (one to a customer). In
quantum physics, particles are fermions. (PL bosons, boltzmannians.)
Ferrer's diagram (graph)
paritions of an integer into integral sum s. t. the diagram's nth
row represents the nth term in the partition.
A fiber of a map
(PL), f: X Y, is a preimage (imitator of
image) of an element y e Y. That is, f-1(y) = {x e X: f(x) = y}. Thus, foR
complex numbers, X, Y, f(z) = z2, every fiber
consists of two points, (z,-z), except for the fiber over zero,
which as one point (i.e., the fiber may be the empty set (PL)). Sometimes, the
fiber may be independent of choosing y e Y
Thus, if the fiber is a covering map (PL), then all fibers are discrete with same cardinality
. The above case, f(z) = z2 apart from zero, i.e. f(z) = z2 from the punctured complex plane, C - {0} to itself is a fiber consisting of two points
. When f:E M is a
fiber bundle, then every fiber is isomorphic in any appropriate category. Thus, for a
real fiber bundle of rank k, every fiber is isomorphic to
fiber bundle (bundle)
A fiber bundle
with fiber, F, is a map (PL), f: L
M, for total space (PL), L, and
base space (PL), M. Main condition for "fiberness": every point
of base space has a neighbhood (PL), N, which is homeomorphic
(PL) to N x F (set of all pairs (n, f)
, first component from neighborhood, second from fiber space) s. t. (locally) the
initiator of it all, L, resembles M x F
(set of all pairs, (m, f), with first component not
merely from the base space neighborhood but from all the base space, second from fibers), except
that the fiber may be "twisted" (as in möboid, PL). A f.b. is associated with a
group action (PL) representing the different ways the fiber can be viewed as equivalent.
fidance (statistical measurement scale)
In the Poisson probability distribution (PL), the mean,
m, and variance,
s2 are formally equal. This provides for a statistical measurement
scale. For the Poisson case, mu =
s2 = 1 if m
u denotes a dimensional unit when these statistics are drawn from
dimensional measures, where the mean would be first power and the variance
would be second power. The above form can be rendered as a scale zero by subtracting 1
from it. Hence, fidance, f = (mu/s2) - 1. In this scale,
the typical binomial distribution falls in the positive range, while the typical
negative binomial distribution falls in the negative range. Fidance, f, can be used to provide a statistical measurement
scale for any process.
A set of numbers forming an
additive group (PL) and (with zero delted) a multiplicative group. The set of
rational numbers is the simplest field among the standard number systems.
The usual "wordy" definition
may be read at /browse/19/. A simpler defintion readily derives
via the concept of CHAIN: Nonempty linearly ordered set or partial ordering, on a set C
in which either x y or y
x for every x, y in C. Given
a nonempty element of a poset (PL), a filter is set of all elements of chains
"ascending from" this element. A subfilter is a substructure of a filter satisfying
filter conditions. (PL ultrafilter.) The inverse structure is an ideal
finite difference
The discrete
homologue of the derivative. That is, if a finite difference "can pass to a limit",
it becomes a derivative. For a discrete function, fr
, for rth row of a difference table (PL), the forward
difference (PL) is Dfr fr+1 - fr, with D
frk, as the kth forward
difference; the backward difference: fr
fr - fr-1, with frk, as the kth
backward difference. This leads to finite difference equations (PL), homologues of
differential equations (PL).
finite difference equation (recurrence equation)
Associated with the integer function, f(n), is the
equation: f(n) - f(n - 1) = g(n), for integer function, g(n). This is the homologue of the differential equation, Dxf(x) = g(x).
finite field
PL Galois field.
finite quantity
PL stamdard
finite sequence
A sequence (PL)
with a terminal member.
Finsler metric
A continuous real
function, F(x, y) on a tangent bundle (PL), T(M) of an n-dimensional manifold, M, is a Finsler metric if F(x, y) is
differentiable for x y; if
F(x, gy) = |g|F(x, y), for any
element (x, y) of T(M) and any
real number g; also, if metric
gij = ½(Dyiyj
|F(x, y)}|2) is a positive definite matrix. A differentiable manfold
with a Finsler metric is a Finsler space.
first countable space
A topological
space (PL) in which every point has a countable base for its neighborhood system.
first fundamental form
Given a
regular surface (PL), m, with points, vp
wp, in tangent space, Mp, of
m. Then the f. f. f. is the inner product (PL) of tangent
spaces, I(vp, wp) = vp · wp
. satisfying I(axv + bxv, axw
+ bxw) = Ea2 + 2Fab + Gb2. The f.f.f. (or line element
) is given explicitly by the Riemann metric (PL), ds2 =
Edu2 + 2Fdudv + Gdv2, determining the arc length on a surface
. The coefficients are: E = xuu =|Dux|2
, F = xuv = Dux · Dux, G = xvv = |D
Fischer-Riesz theorem
PL Riesz-
Fischer theorem.
five lemma
PL Steenrod five lemma
fixed point
A point unchanging under
application of a map; under a differential system; etc.
fixed-point theorem
A continuous
function, g(x) e [a, b], for all x e [a, b], has a fixed point. Proof: g(a) a, b g(b), g(a) - a 0,
0 g(b) - b. The continuity invokes the intermediate value
theorem that there exists a c e [a, b]
s. t. g(c) = c, hence, a fixed point in [a, b]
. The literature credits many fixed-point theorem to various mathematicians.
Perhaps the one most frequently applied and appearing in the literature is the Brouwer
fixed-point theorem.
A collection of faces (PL)
of an n-dimensional polytope (PL) or simplicial complex
(PL), of dimension 0, 1, ..., n-1, all with common nonempty
intersection (PL). In standard 3-D, the flag consists of a half-plane, its
bounding ray, and ray's endpoint.
flannery algoritm (Cayley-Purser a.)
public-key cryptography (PL) a. using the noncommutativity of matrix multiplication\
(PL). (Devised by 16-year-old Sarah Flannery, inspired by Michael Purser, for a 1998 Young
Scientist competition, who named it "Cayley=Purser algorithm" after Purser and British
mathematician Arthur Cayley (x-y), creator of matrices, PL.) Uses only modular matrix
multiplication, instead of the usual modular expression, making it much faster than
other public-key algorithms for larger moduli (about twenty times faster than RSA
encryption for two-hundred-digit moduli). However, messages encrypted by this a. can be
readily decripted by public data alone. Preliminary: form product of two large primes,
n = pq, where the primes have the form 2pi
+ 1, with pi also prime; randomly choose matrices
C, A from the general linear group of noninvertible matrices whose
entries are integers modulo n, so that CA AC; choose natural number r for G = Cr; set B = C-1A-1C;
publish A, B, G, n, keeping C for encryption
. Encription procedure: represent message as 2 x 2 matrix
m with entries in Z
n; randomly choose natural number for E = G-1
AG2, K = G-1BG2; encript message as KmK; transmit (Km
K, E). Decryption: set L = C-1EC so that m = LKmKL; since G, C commute, we have: LKm
KL = (C-1EC)KmK(C-1EC) = (C-1G-s
(C-1G-sAGsC)(G-sC-1ACGs) =
m, the original message.
A module, M, over a unit ring, R, is "flat" if the tensor
product function, MR, is an
exact functor (PL).
Fleury's algorithm
For constructing an
Eulerian circuit.
floating-point arithmetic
performd by a computer or other device using a fixed number of bits, limiting the
acccuracy of the computaion.
floor function (greatest integer function)
Provides the the largest integer great than or equal to a number,
x, denoted |_x_|. (PL ceiling function.)
Related to construction and
properties of conic sections. Hyperbolas (PL) and noncircular ellipses (PL) have two
distinct foci, with associated directrices (PL), each perpendicular to the line joining
the foci.
fold catastrophe
PL catastrophe.
Given an n
-dimensional manifold (PL), Mn, with a
partition, F = {Fa}, into disjoint pathwise-connected
subsets, then F is a foliation of M
n of codimension (PL) c, 0 < c < n if there
exists a cover (PL) of Mn by open sets, U, each with a homeomorphism (PL), h:U Rn, placing each nonempty component of
Fa U onto a parallel translation of the
standard hyperplane, Rn-c
in Rn. Each
Fa is a leaf and is not necessarily closed or compact.
folium of Descartes
A plene curve with
which Descartes challenge Fermat in his extremum-findng technique. Parametrically: x = 3at/(1 + t3), y = 3at2/(1 + t3).
A graph (PL) w/o any
circuit, possibly only (disconnected) trees. A forest with k
components and n nodes (PL) has n - k
edges (pl).
forgetful functor (underlying functor)
From category of gadgets (PL) to category of sets (PL), it maintains the
identity of sets and maps, but "forgets" their non-set, non-map algebraic properties.
formal logic
Pl symbolic logic.
Mathematical equation
(PL) or formal logic expression.
Theorem: Any
map in a plane can be colored by only four colors in a way s. t. regions with a common boundary
(other than a single point) do not share the same color Conjectured by Guthrie in 1871, a
computer-assisted proof was announced by Appel and Haken in 1977.
Fourier analysis
PL Fourier series
four-vertex theorem
Defining a
vertex as an extremum of curvature (PL), a closed embedded smooth plane curve
has at least four vertices.
A structure displaying
fractal dimension
A plot of a
fractal as log-log graph versus scale yields a straight line whose slope
(PL) is the fractal dimension. PL also capacity dimension and Hausdorff-Besicovitch
PL rational number.
Pl fraction.
fractional ideal
Generalizes concept of
ring ideal by being in a field (PL), F, via property that
its ring has a member, m s. t. a = bf = {bx s. t. x
e f} is an ideal in the ring, and every element in f can be written fractionally with fixed denominator, f = {n/d s.
t. n e a. Closed under multiplication.
A closed curve with knot
slightly displaced along the normal. Parametrizing knot, K, as xm(s), 0 s L along the length, L, of the knot, the
frame, Kj, associated with the knot is
ym = xm(s) + enm(s), where e
is a small parameter and nm(s) is a
unit vector field normal to the curve at s.
Fréchet space
PL T1-space.
Fredholm alternative (Riesz-Schauder theory)
Applies when T:V V is a compact operator
(such as an interval operator with smooth kernel): any nonzero l which is not an eigenvalue of a compact operator is part of
the resolvent, i.e., (T - lI)-1
, is bounded, especially for finite-dimensional V,
so that any nondegenerate matrix is diagonal (PL).
Fredholm's determinant
Applied to the
kernel, K(x, t) in a power series on
l involving terms of a Fredholm integral equation.
Fredholm's integral equation
first kind: f(x) = abK(x, t)y(t)dt; of second kind: y(x) = f(x) + labK(x, t)y(t)dt, for which f(x), K(x,t) are known
functions, but y(x) is to be found, and K(x,t)
is the kernel of the integral equation.
free Abelian group
Group with
generating subroup, the only relation being cd = dc, hence, no
torsion group (PL). Any such group is direct product (PL) of integers, Z, having rank given by the
number of copies of Z. Thus,
= {(n, m)} is a free Abelian group of rank 2, since 2 copies. A
minimal subset, b1,...,bn, as basis
(PL), generates a free Abelian group, as G = Zb1 + ... + Zbn.
Partly misnamed, a free Abelian group, although Abelian, is not a free group, except for
rank1 (Z, alone). Free
Abelian groups are the free modules for thr ring of integers,
free group
No relation exists between
its generators, other than the definitive group properties.
free module
Over ring of rank
n, Rn, composed of all sequences, {a1
, a2, ..., an} formable by choosing
n (not necessarily distinct) elements a1, a2, ...,
an from the unit ring (PL). Such a structure is an additive Abelian
group w. r. to the componentwise subsequences: {a1, a2
, ..., an} + {b1, b2, ..., bn} = {a1
+ b1 + a1 + b2, ...,an + bn; also,
any sequence can be multiplied (associatively and distributively) by an element of the
unit ring, say, c{a1, a2, ..., an} =
{ca1, ca2, ..., can}. The central role of free modules
in algebra arises because any module is the homomorphic image (PL) of some free module.
free object
A planar object
which can be "picked out of the plane and flipped over". Thus mirror images are equivalent
for free objects. In algebaric topology, a free abstract object is "freely" generated
by n objects if they satisfy no nontrivial relations between
Freeth's nephroid
This is a
strophoid (PL) of a circle with pole, O, at circle's
center and fixed point, P, on circle's circumference. If
line through P parallel to the y-axis cuts the
nephroid at A, then angle AOP = 3p
/7, so this curve can be used to construct a regular heptagon.
Parametric equation: r = a[1 + 2sin(½q)].
free tree
A normal tree, except
that no node is singled out as a root (PL).
Frenet formulas (Serret-Frenet formulas)
The vector differential equations (PL) to relate inheret properties of a paramatrized
curve. As matrix:
æDsTö æ 0 k 0ö æTö
çDsN÷ = ç-k 0 t÷ çN÷
èDsBø è 0 -t 0ø èBø
where T is the unit tangent vector, N is
the unit normal vector, B is the unit binormal vector,
k is the curvature, and t is the
The number of times a value
occurs or is observed. If term x takes values x1
, ..., xn, then the number of times is appears as x
j is the absolute frequency of this particular value or observation. A
histogram is a bar graph of this. A cumulative frequency polygon or curve, also known
as an ogive is obtained by connecting peaks of a histogram. (The relative frequency
no.(xj /n.) Ihe cumlative frequency can also be
obtained as follows. Let the absolute frequency of an event collected in class intervals
be denoted f1, .... The cumulative frequency for the upper
boundary of class interval, ci , in a frequency
distribution function (PL) is total absolute frequency of all values less than that
boundary: F < S
i n fi.
frequency distribution
Tabulate raw
data and collect in appropriate classes of given size to compute the absolute
frequency (PL) or relative frquency (PL) of a particular class for forming table or
graph to represent a measure by this construction of its frequency distribution. PL normal
distrbution, Gaussian distribution.
frequency polygon
PL frequency
frinteger (free integer)
integer or natural number (PL both) can be written as a product of
prime factors in only one way ("fundamental theorem of arithmetic": FTA) because the
multiplication operation is a 1-1 function, so has an inverse. But the two
primary factor operations, namely least common multiple (LCM) and greatest
common divisor (GCD) (PL) are both many-one functions and cannot have
inverses. The complemented distributive lattice (CDL) (PL) derived from
a "square-free" munber (PL) composed of n primes has
rank (a metric) of n - 1, and the lattice elements distribute in
the ranking according to the nth row of a Pascal or binomial
table (PL). (Thus, the lattice on
factors of 30 = 2 * 3 * 5.) However, every CDL can be extended to
its associated free lattice (FL) (as in
freelattice on 30) with rank of 2n-1, displaying a
distribution definitely not binomial and in apparent violation of FTA. Actually,
FTA does not apply to operations derived from many-one functions. The new
elements arising in passing from lattice to free lattice are proper
frintegers (free integers). They are explicated by applying the "truth-table" or
"indicator-table" measure to the lattice -- whereas, at present, it is only used in
set theory, logic, and probability theory. Apart from the number-theoretic
significance of these "free elements" -- presently ignored in the literature -- this has
enormous consequences in terms of probability applications and databases. (A roughly comparable extension in spectroscopic physics
occurred with the discovery that a single spectral line split into two or three lines in
a magnetic field. But this is a potentially umlimited splitting!)
Frobenius-König theorem
permanent (PL) of a square integer matrix, with all entries 0, 1,
equals zero iff it contains an r X s submatrix s. t. r + s = n + 1. This follows from the König-Echévary theorem.
Frobenius theorem
For matrix
(PL), M = mij > 0; i, j = 1, 2, ..., n, there is a
positive eigenvalue, l0, and
all eigenvalues lie on a disk (PL), }z|
l0. (PL Perron-Frobenius theorem.
PL boundary.
The portion of a solid which
lies between two parallel planes slicing the solid.
The "input" of a
function is usually labeled a "variable", a misnomer since (as Bertrand Russell noted) it
doesn't vary. Since the "input" of an operator is labeled an "operand", it seems
appropriate to use the label "functand" for the "input" of a function.
A (binary) relation
(PL) such that the codomain (output set) is singular, that is, a
many-one or one-one relation. (PL operation.)
An integral whose output is
not the usual function but a number.
functional analysis
The study of the
functional (PL).
functional equation
The result of
replacing the integral of an integral equation with a functional (PL).
That part of a function
which invokes, matching "operator"; the invoked part is functant (PL). (Other uses of
"functor" that differ from the present usage will be distinguished, for example, saying
"categorial functor", rather than "functor".)
fundamental region
For a subgroup,
G, of the modular group gamma (PL), an open set, RG of the upper half-plane, H, is a
fundamental region of G if no two distinct points of RG are equivalent under group G;
and, for t e H, there
exists a point, t', in the closure of
RG s. t. t'
is equivalent to t under group G.
fundamental theorem of (numerical) algebra
Every polynomial eqation with complex coefficients an superunitary degree has
at least one complex root. (Recursively, this "exposes" all roots.)
fundamental theorem of arithmetic
A number
(Natural, Integral, Rational, Real) can be factored uniquely, except for ordering of factors.
(This derives from the well-defined (PL) operators -- addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, exponentiation, root extraction -- of arithmetic. This condition breaks
down for the nonwell-defined operators -- least common multiple, greatest common
divisor -- of arithmetic. PL frintegers.)
fundamental theorem of distributive lattices (Hays)
Definition: A proper chain of a partial ordering (PL) or lattice (PL) is
a total ordering (PL). A prime chain of a distributive lattice (DL) is a
chain from the 1-atom to a prime carrier. Fundamental Theorem of DL: A DL can be uniquely
chain-factored (PL) into prime chains, except for ordering of factors. Proof by definition
of chain-factoring and fundamental theorem of arithmetic (PL).
fundamental theorem of Galois theory
The mapping associating with an intermediate field (PL) the corresponding Galois group
is a dual isomorphism (Galois connection, PL antitone) from the lattice of the
intermediate fields to the lattice of subgroups of the Galois group.
fundamental theorem of groups
group (PL) can be written as the union of its normal subgroups, uniquely
(except for listing order).
fundamental theorem of genera
h+(d) proper equivalence classes (PL) of forms
(PL) with discriminant (PL) d equal to the field discriminant
, then the classes can be equally assigned to 2r-1genera of h+r-1 forms,
yielding a subgroup of the proper equivalence class group under the composition operator,
where r is the number of distinct divisors of
d. (Proven by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), 1801.) PL genus (form), genus
Karl Menger[1]
distinguished three different mathematical functions: a fluent, such as y=x2;
a tremblant, such as any oscillating function (PL); a salient (from
Latin, saltus, for "jump"), such as the Heaviside unit function (PL). Each
function can model some aspect of a process (PL); compounded, they can model a
complex process. Take the first consonant and first vowel of each function-label to construct
an acronym: "fu", for "fluent"; "te", for "tremblant"; "sa", for "salient". Since this compound
is to use two fluents and two tremblants, on either side of the salient, the first of each is initialized.
A familiar prototype is starting an automobile motor: (1) motor stably off: fluent; (2) starting
motor is tremblant ("ugh-ugh-ugh"); (3) when motor starts, the condition jumps from OFF to ON, as
in a salient; (4) afterwards a tremblant in smoothing out; (5) then a fluent as
motor turns over.
FuTesatefu hypothesis
Hypothesis: All natural
processes are modeled by futesatefu: a WIN-WIN hypothesis. If model is useful: WIN; if model seems
to fail, the observer or researched is motivated to ask questions otherwise not thought of -- perhaps leading
to discovery: (1) either the substage is "brought to light", or (2) another process is discovered
which blocks some substage of the model: another WIN.
fuzzy logic, analogic
An extension of
Chrysippian bivalent (true-false) logic s. t. a statement may have any real value
between zero and one. Has many useful applications.
fuzzy logic, digital
A standard indicator
table (PL) consists of a column of 1's or 0's which indicates
the occupancy/nonoccupancy of set elements in set theory or probability theory;
truth/falsity of statements of a statement logic;
the partial ordering in a lattice (perhaps only so used here).
A hays
indicator table applies to o-sets (PL), which allows multiple tokens of each typon
(unit of given type, PL)
. Given column for a given typon, it repeats this column for each
increase of this same typon. This can be interpreted as a probability measure: (1) read a row of
1's or 0's in numorder (PL), that is, right-to left, as in decimal numeration
(PL), with a decimal point (PL) before the left-most digit; (2) this neasures the
"probable" truth value of the given statement.
fuzzy set
The o-set (PL)
associated with the hays indicator table of the homologous lattice.