- saddle point
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sagitta
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sample path
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sample space
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sard's theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- satisfy
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scalar
. - A entity which is not a
vector (PL) but can be the component of a vector; an entity which can
be structured as a vector, but is not so treated.
- scalar function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scalar triple product
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scalene triangle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scale property
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scaling
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- scaling symmetry
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schläfli's integral formulas
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schreier's theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schröder-Bernstein theorem
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schur's lemma
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schwarz-Christoffel transformation
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schwarzian derivative
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Schwarz's lemma
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- secant
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sech
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second category
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second countable
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second derivative
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second fundamental form
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second isomorphism theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- second-order equation
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- section
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sector
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- segment
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- self-adjoint
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- self-similarity
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semicircle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semicircular
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semicontinuous function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semicubical parabola
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semidiameter
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semigroup
. - A groupoid with
associativity property. (PL terms.)
- semilogarithmic
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semilogarithmic coordinate paper
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semimetric
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- seminorm
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semiring
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- semisimple
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sentential connectives
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separable extension
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separable graph
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separable polynomial
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separable space
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separated sets
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separating family
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separating set
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separation axioms
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- separation of variables
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- septillion
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- septinary number
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sequence
. - Set of elements in simple
(total) ordering (PL); a chain (PL).
- sequentially compact
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- serpentine
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- serpentine curve
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- set
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- set function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- set theory
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sexadecimal
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sexagesimal
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sextant
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sextic
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sextic surface
. - One which can be
generated by a sixth degree polyomial equation. Example: Boy surface (PL), Barth
- sextillion
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sheaf of planes
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sheet
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- shifting theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- short exact sequence
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sieving
. - Sieving is credited to the
Greek mathematician and philosopher, Eratothenes of Kyrene (c. 276-194 BC), who also used
"shadow-reckoning" to calculate the circumference of the earth. By proceeding
ordinally, whenever a prime number (PL) is found, then all its multiples
are eliminated ("sieved out"), resulting in an ordering of primes "up to the
current step". Children can easily be taught
- sigma algebra
. - Given a set S, a s-algebra, A, is a nonempty collection of subsets of S s. t.:
the empty set is in A ; for C in A, the complement of C is in A; if Cn is a sequence of elements in
, then the union of the sequences is in
A. If T is a collection of subsets of
S, then there exists a s-algebra
containng T: its power-set. The intersection of all s-algebras containing S
yields the minimal such s
-algebra (generated by S).
- sign
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signal
. - In his semiotics (PL),
C. S. Peirce (1839-1914) emphasized the signal sign. In the Hays reformulation, this is an
indicator (PL) under linguistic and physical control. Thus, electric activity
at microlevel, and "indicated" by macroevents, was put under linguistic control (as in
Morse code) and physical control (as in telegraph key), achieving the signal (telegraphy).
- signature
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signed measure
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signed minor
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signed number
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- significant digit
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signum
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- signs, law of
. - Prototype in
multiplication operation of the integer system (PL). Hence, this law derives
from the condition invoking integral multiplication. This is
shown to be closure on product of defined differences (PL) of natural numbers.
Namely, if a defined difference of naturals is such that subtrahend is not greater than
minuend, then the product of defined differences must be a defined difference.
This results in the form: (a - b)*(c = d) = (a*c + b*d)
- (a*d + b*c). One then forms the integer as a vector (2-tuple)
of natural numbers with the vector product rule: [a, b] * [c,d] = [a * c + b * d, a * d + b * c]. The equivalence
rule on defined differences induces a vector equivalence
rule that reduces all such vector to three equivalence classes,
which may be labeled positive, negative, null, respectively and
canonically, [m, 0], [0, n], [0. 0]. Application
of the vector product rule yields: [j, 0] *
[k, 0] = [j * k + 0 * 0, j * 0 + k * 0] = [j+k, 0] -- "positive
times positive yields positive"; [0, m] * [0 * n] =
[0 * 0 + m * n, 0 * n + m * 0] = [m * n, 0] -- "negative times
negative yields positive"; [p, 0] * [0, q] = [p * 0
+ 0 * q, p * q + 0 * 0] = [0, p * q] -- "positive times negative
yields negative"; [0, r] * [s, 0] = [0 * s + r * 0,
0 * 0 + r * s] = [0, e * s] -- "negative times positive yields
negative". Hence, the law of signs is induced by the condition
that the property of defined difference be conserved under multiplication.
- similar
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- similarity transformation
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple closed curve
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple extension
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple graph
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple root
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simple statement
. - A simple
declarative sentence lacking negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional,
bicondition (PL), with further condition that it is verifiable as "True" or "False".
Thus, "The women of the Planet Googoo are green", is a declaration, but not
verfiable, hence, not a statement. The term proposition is considered a
synonym of statement. The statement is the basic unit (gnomon, PL) of statement
logic (a.k.a. statement calculus, propositional calculus).
- simplex
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simplex method
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simplicial complex
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simplicial subdivision
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simply connected
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- simultaneous equations
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sine
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sine curve
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singleton set
. - A set containing
exactly one member.
- singular
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singular cohomology
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singular homology
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singular integral
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singularity
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singular point
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- singular solution
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sink
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sinusoid
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sinusoidal spiral
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skeleton
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skew field
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skew Hermitian matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skew lines
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skew surface
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- skew-symmetric
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- slide rule
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- slope
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- smooth (manifold, structure)
. -
Sufficiently continuous (PL) as to be differentiable (PL).
- smoothing
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sobolev space
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solenoidal
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solid
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solid angle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solid geometry
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solution
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solvable group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solvable Lie algebra
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- solvmanifold
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- soroban
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- source
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- space
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- space-filling curve
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- span
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spanning forest
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spanning subgraph
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spanning tree
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sparse
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- special functions
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- special linear group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- special orthogonal group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spectral factorization
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spectral measure
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spectral radius
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spectral theorems
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spectrum
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sperner's lemma
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical cap
. - Region of a sphere
(PL) lying above (or below) a given plane (PL). If plane is through the sphere's center
, then the cap is a hemisphere. A cap cut by a second plane is a spherical segment
(PL). For a sphere of radius (PL), R, the volume (PL)
of a spherical cap of height h and base rdius, a is given the equation of a spherical segment: V
s.s. = 1/6ph(3a2 + 3b2 + h2)
with b = 0, yielding: Vcap = 1/6
ph(3a2 + h2). By the pythagorean theorem
(PL): (R - h)2 + a2 = R2, which
yields: a2 = 2Rh - h2, so the radius of the
base circle is: a = (h(2R - h))½. Inserting this
the above formula gives an equivalent formula: Vcap = 1/3
ph2(3r - h). If a second plane cuts the cap,
the resulting spherical frustrum is labeled "a spherical segment". The surface area of
the resulting spherical cap is given by the formula for a general zone (PL): Scap = 2pRh = p(a2
+ h2).
- spherical coordinates
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical degree
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical excess
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical grade
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical harmonics
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical indicatrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical sector
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical segment
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical triangle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical trigonometry
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spherical wedge
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spheroid
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spheroidal
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spinode
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spiral
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spline function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- splitting
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- splitting field
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- spur
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- square
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- square degree
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- squared rectangle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- square grade
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- square matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- square root
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- squaring the circle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stable homeomorphism conjecture
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- starlike region
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- statement
. - Either a simple
statement (PL) or compounded of simple statements by the connectives
(PL) of negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional, bicondition.
- statement calculus
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stationary stochastic process
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- statistics
. - The theory of patterns
of numbers as possible indicators of patterns of events or processes or behavior or patterns of
structure. For better label, PL numistics.
- steepest descent method
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Steenrod five lemma
- step function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- steradian
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- steregon
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stereographic projection
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stirling numbers
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stirling's approximation or Stirling's formula
- May be read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stochastic
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stochastic matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stochastic process
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stokes' integral theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stokes' lemma
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stone's theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Stone-Weierstrass theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- straightedge
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- strategy
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- strength
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- stronger topology
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- strong topology
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- strophoid
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sturm-Liouville problem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sturm's theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sub-
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subbase
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subdiagonal of a matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subharmonic function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- submersion
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- submodular
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- submultiple
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subnormal series
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subsequence
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subset
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subspace
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- substitution
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subtend
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- subtract
. - May be
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- subtraction
. - ("A man has
one hundred dollars, and you leave him with two dollars, that's subtraction." Mae
West, My Little Chickadee, 1946.) Subtraction is the inverse operation for
the addition operation. And it is the prototype for all inverse operations of
arithmetic because: (1)all the primary operations -- addition, multiplication, exponentiation
-- can be performed as additions; (2)their inverses are defined in terms of the corresponding
primary operation; (3)hence, algorithms exist for performing division, logarithm, root ext
- subtrahend
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- succession
. - Ordering in a sequence
(PL) ; process generated by successor function (PL).
- successor
. - Member of sequence (PL)
- successor function (operation)
- The generator S(_), wherein S(n) = n + 1,
that is, the successor of number n is number n and one more. Thus,
S(0) = 1; S(1) = 2, or (embedded) S(S(0)) = 2. Thus, S(S(S(S(S(S(S(0))))))) =
7. The natural (counting) numbers are generated recursively
by the successor function, which becomes the model for the recursive
generation of addition, multiplication, exponentiation, which, with their
inverses and "rules" constitutes an arithmetic. (The successor-function
is implicit in the "begats" of the Fifth Chapter of Genesis in The Bible. Adam
begat Seth; Seth begat Enos; Enos begat Cainan; Cainan begat Mahaleel; Mahaleel begat
Jared; Jared begat Enoch; Enoch begat Methusaleh. Take B(_)
as the begat-function. Thus, B(Adam) = Seth; B(Seth) = Enos,
or B(B(Adam)) = Enos. Then, B(B(B(B(B(B(B(Adam))))))) =
Methusaleh, the 7th generation begat from Adam, just as S(S(S(S(S(S(S(0))))))) = 7 is the 7th generation begat by zero.
PL transitive set.)
- successor set
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- sum
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- summand
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- summation
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- (lattice) supercomplement
. - Given the
min (MIN) (PL) of a lattice, the supercomplement of lattice element, e is -|e e == min lub {x| e
min ~ e
x}. (PL supracomplement. Lattice complement is equivalence
of subcomplement with supracomplement.)
- superdiagonal of a matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- superharmonic function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- superset
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- supplementary angle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- support
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/.
- (lattice) supracomplement
. - Given the
max (MAX) (PL) of a lattice, the supracomplement of lattice element, e is -|e e == glb {x| e
max ~ e
x}. (PL subcomplement. Lattice complement is equivalence
of subcomplent with supercomplement.)
- supremum
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- supremum principle
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- surface
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- surface area
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- surface integral
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- surface of revolution
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- surjection
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- swallowtail catastrophe
. - PL
- Sylow subgroup
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sylow theorems
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- Sylvester's theorem
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symbolic logic
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric difference
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric function
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric matrix
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric operator
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetric relation
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetry
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symmetry group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symplectic
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- symplectic group
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- syntactic dictionary
. - To fulfill
a big gap in today's education.
- synthetic division
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/
- system of linear equations
. - May be
read at http://www.harcourt.com/dictionary /browse/19/