(I studied Rhyming 101 under Ogden Nash)

"A" is for "algorithm":
Programable Math.
Its transfer to Answer
Is best that Math hath!
"H" is for "harmonic":
It started with Pythagoras.
Music, Math, & Science--
Veritable plethoragoras.
"O" is for "operation",
Closed Relation-Function.
"O"'s also for "operand":
Operation's "last stand".
"V" is for "variate",
Very common mispeak
For what doesn't vary
As Functand doth speak.
"B" is for "bypass":
Mathematic "conjugation".
It bypasses problems:
Life's-Math's complication.
"I", for "incorrigible":
Essential Mathematics.
Model doesn't apply?
Another implimatics.
"P" is for "prime",
The gnomon of number.
For reason or rhyme
Composes numlumber.
"W"'s for Weierstrass,
Analysis' giant.
Founded on Arithmetic
To make "self-reliant".
"C" is for "calculus":
A pebble counting sheep.
Or math for calculating
Change "on the cheap".
"J" is for "join":
Operation in a lattice
In Tot's "Pecking Order"
Or calculus limattice.
"Q" is for "quotient",
Division or totient:
Inverse multiplication,
Most handy operation.
"X" stands for Answer
To algebra's Question.
Unravel and transfer
Without Guess' pestion.
"D" is for "decision":
Quite a daily chore of Life.
But Math's decision-theory
Opts some of the strife.
"K" is for "knot".
Scouts and sailors can tie.
But Topology's fology
Makes Theory fly-fly.
"R" is for "relation":
The spinoff is Function
And Operation too --
All we need to get thru!
"Y", say, diagram Young
To ration Permutation.
Each row-rung is hung
To guide Your survation..
"E" is for "equal":
Simple in Arithmetic.
But harder to sequal
In the Body Politic.
"L" is for "limit":
Lets Analysis start.
Creates the Irrationals
Which optimize Art.
"S" is for "set" --
Set-builder, extension.
The subsets of power-set
Compounds comprehension.
"Z" is for "zeta",
Riemann's primal function.
The Zeta Conjecture
Confounds quite a runction.
"F" is for "functand":
Mispoken as "variable".
Doesn't vary, but ouputs
A function that's pairble.
"M"'s for "mathematics":
Base of Civilization.
Without Mathematics
Cave-life's our station!
"T" is for "transform":
Pattern's conservation.
Processes swarm:
Reality's prservation.
"G" is for "Karl Gauss":
Greatest mathematician.
Also teenage Galois' coded
Satellite communication.
"N" is for Newton.
His gravity equation
United Earth's physics
And Sky's planetation.
"U"'s for "universal",
Pattern's conservation.
Pattern smattern pattern:
It maps the same Story.