"A" is for "algorithm": Programable Math. Its transfer to Answer Is best that Math hath! |
"H" is for "harmonic": It started with Pythagoras. Music, Math, & Science-- Veritable plethoragoras. |
"O" is for "operation", Closed Relation-Function. "O"'s also for "operand": Operation's "last stand". |
"V" is for "variate", Very common mispeak For what doesn't vary As Functand doth speak. |
"B" is for "bypass": Mathematic "conjugation". It bypasses problems: Life's-Math's complication. |
"I", for "incorrigible": Essential Mathematics. Model doesn't apply? Another implimatics. |
"P" is for "prime", The gnomon of number. For reason or rhyme Composes numlumber. |
"W"'s for Weierstrass, Analysis' giant. Founded on Arithmetic To make "self-reliant". |
"C" is for "calculus": A pebble counting sheep. Or math for calculating Change "on the cheap". |
"J" is for "join": Operation in a lattice In Tot's "Pecking Order" Or calculus limattice. |
"Q" is for "quotient", Division or totient: Inverse multiplication, Most handy operation. |
"X" stands for Answer To algebra's Question. Unravel and transfer Without Guess' pestion. |
"D" is for "decision": Quite a daily chore of Life. But Math's decision-theory Opts some of the strife. |
"K" is for "knot". Scouts and sailors can tie. But Topology's fology Makes Theory fly-fly. |
"R" is for "relation": The spinoff is Function And Operation too -- All we need to get thru! |
"Y", say, diagram Young To ration Permutation. Each row-rung is hung To guide Your survation.. |
"E" is for "equal": Simple in Arithmetic. But harder to sequal In the Body Politic. |
"L" is for "limit": Lets Analysis start. Creates the Irrationals Which optimize Art. |
"S" is for "set" -- Set-builder, extension. The subsets of power-set Compounds comprehension. |
"Z" is for "zeta", Riemann's primal function. The Zeta Conjecture Confounds quite a runction. | "F" is for "functand": Mispoken as "variable". Doesn't vary, but ouputs A function that's pairble. |
"M"'s for "mathematics": Base of Civilization. Without Mathematics Cave-life's our station! |
"T" is for "transform": Pattern's conservation. Processes swarm: Reality's prservation. |
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"G" is for "Karl Gauss": Greatest mathematician. Also teenage Galois' coded Satellite communication. |
"N" is for Newton. His gravity equation United Earth's physics And Sky's planetation. |
"U"'s for "universal", Pattern's conservation. Pattern smattern pattern: It maps the same Story. |
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