u, -n (L). not | uber, -i (L). a breast |
ubiqu, -it (L). everywhere | ud, -am, -en (G). no one, none |
ud, -o (G). a path, way; threshold | ud, -o (L). wet |
ude, -o (G). the ground | udeter -o (G). neither |
-ul, *a, *e, *um, *us (L). little | ul, *a, -e, -i (G). a scar |
ul, -o (G). the gums; curly, wooly; destructive | ulc, -er, *us (L). an ulcer |
-ule (L). little | ule (G). matterl a scar |
*udex (L). the rosemary | uli, -o (G). a scar; deadly |
ulic (L). the rosemary | ulig, -in, *o (L). moisute |
ulm *us (L). the elm | *ulna (L). the elbow; the ulna |
ulo (G). the gums; a scar; curly, wooly; whole; destructive | -ulous (L). full of |
ltim,/i> (L). last, furthermost | ultr, -, -o (G). &mnsb; beyond |
ultrone (L). voluntary | ulul, *a (L)>. howl, hoot; a screech owl |
*ulum/ulus (L). little | ulv *a (L). a sedge |
umbell, *a, -i (L). umbrella | umbilic, *us (L). the navel |
*umbo, -n (L). a projecting knob; a shield | umbr *a, -i (L). shade |
umbros (L). shady | un (L), not |
un, *a, -i (L). one | unc, -in, *inus, *us (L). a hook |
uncla (L). a twelfth; a trifle | ucinat (l). hooked, with hooks |
-uncl, *a, -i (L). little | unct (L). anoint; luxorious |
-uncul, *um, *us (L). little | und, *a, -i (L). a wave |
undulat (L). waved, wavy | ungu, *en, -in (L). anointment |
ungul, *s (L) a nail, claw | ungul, *a (L) a hoof |
uni (L). one | *unio, -n (L). a pearl |
uper (G). over, above | upo (L). under, below |
upti, -o (G). bent backward, inverted | upup, *a, -i (L). a hoopoe |
ur (L). burn | ur, *a, -o (L). a tail |
urach, -o, *us(G). the foetal urinary canal | urae-o (G). the hindmost |
urag, o (G). the rear | urani, -o (G). the heavens; the palate |
uranisc, -o, *us (G). the roof of the mouth, the palate | urano (G), heavens |
urb, -an, *s (L)). a city | urce, -ol, *us, (L). &mnbsp; a pitcher |
ure (G). the tail; urine | ured, -in, *o (L), a blight |
ureo (G).  : urine; urea | *ureter, -o (G). the ureter |
urethr, *a, -o (G). the urethra | urg, *y (G). &nnbsp; work; press |
uri (G). the tail; urine | *uria (L). a diving bird |
uria (G). urine | urin, *a, -o (L). urine; dive |
urinator (L). a diver | uro (G). the tail |
urs, *a (L). a bear | urtic *a (L). a nettle |
urubu (Br). the black vulture | usne (Ar). moss |
ust, -ici, -ul, -ular (L). scorched, browned | ustilag, -i, *o (LL). a smut; a thistle |
uter, -i, -o. *us (L). the womb, uterus | util (L). useful |
utri, -c, -cul (L). a leather bag | uv, *a, -i (L). a grape, berry |
uvid (L). damp | uvul (L). the palate uvula |
*uxor, -i (L). a wife | xxxxxxx |