The term "mongrel" is pejorative for doggies. But any good animal trainer will tell you that the "mongrel" is usually much smarter than the "well-bred" dog. And it's often the same with people.

Racists have used the term "mongrel-race" for ethnics they don't like or resent, usually "nonwhite" or non-Caucasian. However, Buckminister Fuller, in his book, I Seem to Be a Verb, has noted that it is the Caucasian that is "mongrel", bred by mixture of peoples in the ports of Europe.

The able-bodied "mongrel" is the "disabled" among the various peoples. And, just as we owe so much more to the historic endowments of the disabled than to most of the able-bodied, so we owe such more to most of the "mongrels" than to those disparaging them. They are among the "hidden jewels" of Christina's World.

And bow-wow-wow-wow! to you!