(Apologies to Neil Diamond who wrote English words to a French song he bought, as tribute to Frank Sinatra)

I use "the porfolio method" for thinking, research, writing. What's "the portfolio method"?

Some financial managers advise investors to DIVERSITY their INVESTMENTS, so that one investment may be earning profit, while another is remaining the same or losing in value. In particular, investors are advised to form a portfolio DIVERSIFIED among "blue chip stocks" ("goodies over the years", such as AT&T) for steady earning, and "risk stocks" which can pay off big.

Similarly, I "invest" in many interests or fields of study and research. In one field, I may be steadily learning or making discoveries. I stay with it as long as this occurs. But if I "get stuck in neutral" in this "line", I find another wherein "growth" appears.

Some of my interests or fields of study and research are "standards" wherein I "am standing on the shoulders of scholars or discoverers of past and present" -- "blue chips".

But my curiosity and imagination also lead me into interests or fields where I am comparatively "alone" -- "riskies".

My "blue chips" connect to "mainstream" MATH, LOGIC, STATISTICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, PHYSICS, etc. So I present them as reasonable challenges.

And I've also thunk up some FAROUT projects. I've no time for some of them, so I'm "putting them up for challenge". You there, do you dare?