Early on, The Archangel teaches Adam and Eve about the ORDINAL MEASURE needed in comparing materials for possible tool-making, or for comparing effectiveness of some of those tools.

For, Adam needs cutters to trim the hedges. Eve needs trowels for digging up edible roots. But some of the stones they consider for tool-making are too brittle for grinding. And other stones are too hard to work-over.

So The Archangel shows Eve and Adam how to set up a MODEL ORDERING of stones, according to their HARDNESS: from LEAST HARD to MOST HARD. These MODELS can be counted=off, as the cows counted off themselves at Roll Call: "One, Two, Three, ..." or "First, Second, Third, ...."

(Today, we use a similar MEASURE of MINERAL HARDNES, known as the MOH HARDNESS SCALE, ranging from 1 -- for graphite, as in pencils -- to 10, for diamond.)

Remember? Adam and Eve are too canny to think they can add the NUMERALS assigned to a cow-countoff, So, under The Archangel's tutoring, GIVEN A STONE OF HARDNESS TWO AND ANOTHER OF THE SAME HARDNESS, Eve and Adam realize that THEY CANNOT COMBINE THESE STONES TO OBTAIN MATERIAL EQUAL TO HARDNESS FOUR.

Again, you laugh at this. But I'm telling you that, thanks to The Archangel's tutoring, Adam and Eve know better than most of our Educators today, and those misguiding "experts" calling themselves "psychometricians". (When students try to fudge their answers in the way that is standard with psychometricians, they are disciplined by canny teachers)

Briefly, these Educators and Psychometricians use a SCALE OF ORDINAL MEASUREMENT known as "I. Q. scores". They should know that -- just as YOU CANNOT COMBINE TWO STONES OF EQUAL HARDNESS TO OBTAIN A STRUCTURE OF DOUBLED HARDNESS -- so you CANNOT COMBINE TWO STUDENTS WITH I.Q. 60 and expect them TO PERFORM AS DOES A STUDENT of I.Q. 120.

No, Educators and Psychometricians don't do this EXPLICITLY. But they DO this IMPLICITLY when they ADD UP TEST SCORES TO OBTAIN THE MEAN AND THE STANDARD DEVIATION REQUIRED IN A STATISTICAL FORMULA FOR PLOTTING A "BELL" CURVE OF "INTELLIGENCE"! (Psychometricians should thus justify their curve-plotting, or shut up.)

Yes, there are "generics" for ORDINAL MEASURES, and The Archangel tutors Eve and Adam in some of there, in Eden. Simply saying "harder" or "softer" than a given PROTOTYPE is GENERIC for a TRIUNE HARDNESS SCALE. (Goldilocks used those GENERICS in the The Three Bears Cottage: "This chair is too hard. This chair is too soft. And this chair is just right.") Another GENERIC SCALE is implied in saying "too hot" or "too cold" (as Goldilocks did with the porridge). And you can easily think of other GENERICS for ORDINAL MEASUREMENT SCALES.

After much tutoring, The Archangel steers Eve and Adam away from a confusion infecting the general public and most mediacs today. It involves "digital (a.k.a. discrete, discontinuous) ordination" and "analogic (a.k.a. continuous) ordination". How often have you heard some TV talking head speak about "less dollars". When I hear this, I get an image of a "money-bar" (resembling a long sausage), which can be cut off to yield "less money". You should say "fewer dollars", because dollar bills are "digitized" into denominations, hence are countable. It is correct to say "less time", since it's useful to think of time as a "continuum".

On another Website, I treat another ORDINAL problem. Many mathematicians will only recognize a SET-THEORY that distinguishes TYPE (dealing with what I call "t-sets": "t-" for "type"), but not a SET-THEORY recognizing ORDER (a.k.a. DEGREE). I began to develop the math of this (as "o-sets": "o-" for "ordinal") in 1957. (I was disturbed because you must write the factor set of 60 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 5 the same as the factor set of 30 = 2 X 3 X 5, namely, {2, 3, 5}, since MULTIPLE TOKENS OF TYPE ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN SET-THEORY. Thus, "The New Math" did not support "The Old Math" of Arithmetic.) In the 1960's, the hybrid concept of "multiset" was accepted by some mathematicians, because it is needed in COMBINATORICS and in COMPUTR SCIENCE. (I say, "hybrid", because it MAPS SETS INTO INTEGERS, a "mixed marriage", whereas I keep everything "within the family", that is, within SET-THEORY.) I generalized this to "o-math" and "o-logic". In particular, in the late 1960's, my o-logic led me to a kind of "digital fuzzy logic", years before the development in the 1970's of an "analogic" for of "fuzzy logic". Such developments began in Eden, but most of Mainstream Mathematics is lagging behind.

So, as with other endowment, ORDINAL MEASURE began in Eden.

The NAME GAMES in Eden and East of Eden begat our SCIENTIFIC METHODOLGY and also begat our MATHEMATICS.

An ostensive definition is Show and Tell.

An intensive definition is a Bulletin for a Lost Child.

An extensive definition is the Family Album.

A nominal measure is an ID-Card.

A typological measure is a Chorus-Line of Similars.