I have ONLINE a website dealing with general education wich contains a file,"SKOGA", my acronym for "Science Kits for Growth Aareas", the latter meaning less affluent regions.

The "science kits" contain demonstration equipment, to be checked out of a library in preparation for a science laboratory class. Students in History or Literature or whatever can prepare by checking out library literature, but science student has to wait to get to the laboratory to see the equipment. Then, it's "Hurry up! Clean up! And git!" With Kits, the science student can prepare somewhat in advance.

The "SKOGA" idea is that students in more affluent regions can LEARN SCIENCE by preparing KITS and writing MANUALS for others.

Similarly, actors can do the same in preparing "theater kits" to encourage theater activity around the country.

I can explain this in terms of a particular project. I have a URL, http://www.geocities.com/futesatefu/standfront.htm , which presents a play I wrote 29 years ago, Artemus Ward, Bogify with Ballids & Panoramys, based on the 19th century works of Charles Farrar Browne (Ärtemus Ward"). He was our first standup; first humor columnist; creator of the tabloid newspaper style; creator of the "New Yorker" style of humor; Lincoln's favorite author; favorite 19th century author of the British; discoverer of Mark Twain; and very funny. In 2 Acts, 19 scenes, with A Capella Choir introducing Preludes, Postludes, and Entractes. There is an acting Artemus and a miming Artemus and screens over stage tell the life of Browne.

Last Scene of Act I is "Visit to the Shakers", telling the story of the Shakers with their hymns and ends with a Shaker dance. Act II has a "Fourth of July Oration" involving audience as attendants. Last Scene of Act II is "Visit to President-Elect Lincoln", with Lincoln and Artemus fighting off office-seekers, some of whom come down the chimney.

This is a FREEBIE, challenging Standups to support America's first Standup and challenging theaters and actors also.

And actors can hone their craft by preparing kits on this material to send to "growth theaters" around the country. LEARN BY DOING!