Application of the algorithm known as "Sieve of Erastothenes (276-194BC)" yields two indicators not described in the literature. Firstly, when a prime number is recognized and its multiples are sieved out (eliminated from the ordering of mumbers) , then the NEXT number in ordering is always a prime. Secondly, once a prime is identified and its multiples sieved out, the "first to go" is the square of this very prime . (See hyperlinks at Website: toteenmathpaj.htm . Or initiated, in particular, at sievesetup.htm. For interactive display, see The secondly cited indicator is the basis of another algorithm: In testing a number for factors, you need only test for those primes less than the approximate square root of the candidate number. This is known in the literature, but apparently not mentioned in conection with Erastothenes' Sieve. Definition: Let the maximal prime by current state-of-t he-art be labeled the sotaprime and denoted Dd where d denotes a date [such as 11/12/02, for D11/12/02]. Obviously, Lemma: The sotaprime is a cut in the ordering of numbers and primes, bifurcating these into presotaprimes (less than sotaprime) and postsotaprimes (greater than sotaprime.) Our result follows. Prime Number Algorithm: Presotaprimes allow sieving of their multiples in the ordering above the sotaprime; the sotaprime allows sieving of its multiples in the ordering above the sotaprime; then the first postsotaprime is a previously unrecognized prime number. Proof: This follows from a special case of Euler's totient function, f(), which requires defining coprimality: Two numbers are coprime (relatively prime) iff their only common factor is 1. Totient: Given prime number p, the numerosity of numbers less than and coprime to p is given as f(p) = p(1 - 1/p) = p - 1. But these are all sieved out between p and the prime preceding it in the presotaprimes; and sieving applies also to the first postsotaprime, namely, p2 , as well as all multiples of p in the ordering above p2; this leaves only a "new" prime as the current first postsotaprime. (A simple computation suffices, preceeded by a one-step preliminary computation, using, say, the Fast Fourier Transform, to compute the square of the sotaprime. In the (main) computation, only two numbers need to be computed, and only three simple types of computing are needed: first, recursion of all integers beyond sotaprime up to sotaprime-square, for a test-sequence, which can be sieved into a minipostsotaprime sequence; second, modularly setting to zero all sotaprime multiples including the prime itself, a very short process. A list of all known primes is ONLINE or can be arranged. Maximal known prime becomes sotaprime for program and a loop creates number sequence above it up to some finite bound. By hyperlink, all primes stream through a program loop nulling all non-postsotaprimes up to sostaprimesquare. Then print the sotaprime and its successor, a new prime. (Can you think of a Corollary?) In the literature, the E. sieve is a nonprime eliminator; by the p. n. algorithm, E. s. is a prime-pointer : sotaprimenewprime. See (below) primal run, primal run distribution, primal run gap conjecture, primal run log conjecture. (The public key encription algorithm labeled RSA encription uses prime factorization as the trapdoor one-way function).
PRIMAL RUN Upon any application of the Erastothenes sieve algorithm for p, the run of consecutive primes, beginning with 2, up to the first composite encountered. See primal run distribution, primal run gap conjecture, primal run log conjecture, prime number algorithm.
PRIMAL RUN DISTRIBUTION With any application of the Erastothenes sieve algorithm for p, the run of consecutive primes, beginning with 2 , is up to the square of the next prime just beyond p. This is an extension of the pattern that, upon sieving the multiples of p, the first number sieved is p2. Using the largest currently known prime (the sotaprime, see prime number algorithm, a sotaprimalrun can be computed. (An advantage might accrue from relating primal run to asymptiotic distribution of primes and gap between primes: what is newly learned about one may suggest investigate in the others.)
PRIMAL RUN LOG CONJECTURE The primal run is connected to the logarithmic distribution of primes described in the asymptotic prime number theorem).