Perhaps you've heard the comment, "Sometimes bad things happen to good people". But some folks have lived such "normal"", unspectacular lives that they can't believe that things novel or weird or bad can happen to a person.Jist cawl me "Prototype John"! Caws I bin thare:
- preemie.
- skeletal freak.
- KKK target.
- segregated schoolkid.
- segregated as a "retarded child"".
- steward.
- Standardized Tests lab rat.
- child performer.
- latch-key kid.
- predestined hellion.
- 6th Grade student-teacher.
- "poor white trash".
- high school dropout.
- "fugitive" sought by the F.B.I..
- drill sgt. (working with Joe DiMaggio),
- previous tenant at NASA's EDWARDS shuttle-base.
- three-time "war survivor".
- segregated in Columbia University.
- matriculated nonstudent.
- career-guided by murder.
- intermittent single parent.
- lifer-ABD.
- I'm not a Wimp, I'm a Wamp.