Esther became the Home Room teacher of the Seniors at the Campus School and took them, assisted only by a bus driver, on many trips about the Island. She also taught classes in English, Spanish, French and Latin. But her role was even more unique.

In 1961, PR was so economically improved that more natives were returning from New York City than going there. This almost wrecked the Schools. In San Germán, the high school was on three shifts: 6 AM to noon; noon to 6 PM; 6 PM to midnight. And the teachers of the primary, middle, and secondary schools of the Island were puzzled about teaching the returning "Nuyoricans".

A Nuyorican was a child who learned to speak Spanish in the NYC home, but tried to read and write Spanish with the phonetics of English. (Freddie Prinze, the star of the "Chico and The Man" TV Show, was a Nuyorican.) PR teachers didn't know how to teach them.

Esther understood the problems of the Nuyoricans and how to bypass them. Soon our Campus School had many Nuyoricans asking for help. Esther did what no other teachers in PR could do, capably teach Nuyoricans to read and write proper Spanish.

Esther's students went on to attend some of the best universities in the States.

(There is now a Nuyorican Poets Café in NYC, where poets recite Nuyorican poetry to a background of Lain music.)