Mathematics constructively proven. Not available in year 2001. Will it ever be?
SECOND CLASS MATHEMATICS Mathematics nonconstructively proven.
THIRD CLASS MATHEMATICS Mathematics presented "intuitively". A mixture of these three CLASSES is the standard fare.
In his 1925 book, Science and the Modern World, Alfred North Whitehead traced the origins of post-medieval science to the "agonic philosophy" of implicit in classic Greek drama, in turn derived from tribal religious thinking. To fill the alternative vacuum to this thesis, I propose what follows.
SCIENCE FIRST CLASS Science which can be
Each of these would eliminate penchant for "alternative science", "creationist science", and "the paranormal". Lack of all of them encourages these supporters of magic and "religion". By these criteria, SCIENCE FIRST CLASS is not available in year 2001. Will it ever be?
- verified empirically;
- run as a computer program;
- taught so that any "claim" is explicated as
- experimentally demonstrated,
- derived from mathematical model,
- derived from ansatz;
- made interactive for laity.
SCIENCE SECOND CLASS Science which can be
- verified empirically;
- explained to laity. (1946 Physics Nobelist Percy Bridgman said, "'The Scientific Method' is doing your damndest with whatever is available.")