Since 1936 a long standing controversy on this subject has been gabbled -- resulting in the writing of hundreds of papers. Yet, to the best of my knowledge, nothing has been written in relation on this subject about "favored elements" causing nondistributivity.

In 1936, mathematician Garrett Birkhoff (popularizer of lattice theory) joined with mathematician John von Neumann (who wrote the standard axiomatic treatment of quantum theory). The main thesis of their paper is that the default "Boolean logic" of classical physics must be abandoned in quantum theory for a lattice logic that abandons the distributivity of Boolean logic. A critical counterexample (involving polarization) is cited to show nondistributivity. But its description fails to single out polarization as the "favored" element causing the nondistributibity. For, just as the identity must be present in every subgroup, so the polarization axis must be present in every transformation of the given process.

Hence, we have the homology: polarization: quantum proces:: identity element: group.

Furthermore, both the quantum case and the subgroup lattice case seem to be regarded as "weird" in deviatimg "from the norm". To counter this attitude, I constructed an "everyday" non-mathematical, non-physical case involving similar characteristics.

A patrol of six Army soldiers (a corporal and five privates) is sent to reconoiter a given region. Orders state that any subpatrol sent out from this patrol must contain the corporal. Furthermore, restrictions arise because of weapons. Three of the privates are armed such that each alone can handle the assigned weaponry. But one of the weapons requires two privates to work together handling it. These conditions impose these restraints on subpatrols:

We would have a homologous Table and homologous lattice for the Army patrol case. And this case is not weird!

Enough has been written about the "weirness" of quantum theory. I cannot so easily explain much of it. But, in some instances, what has been called "weird" can be explained by proper attention