(Maintaining Schizoid Math and Flatland Science)

Elsewhere, I've shown how Platonists and others resist the introduction and promulgation of o-MATH -- math exploiting "degree" or "order", not simply the "kind" or "type" of t-MATH. Resistance despite the presence of ARITHMETIC FACTOR THEORY, going back 2500 years to Pythagoras. Also, the DISTRIBUTIVE LATTICE introduced by Richard Dedekind (1831-1916). Both obviously instances of o-MATH.

In contrast to my term "agstymie" -- the stymie of mathematical and technological development due to the alleged INCOMPATABILITY OF ARITHMETIC AND GEOMETRY -- I label this the "to-stymie": the stymie of mathematical and technological development due to the ALLEGED INCOMPATABILITY OF t-MATH AND o-MATH.

Our future and the future of generations to come is threated by this to-stymie! Dig or redig.