We've got troubles! Too bad. We were warned about some of the greatest problems of this half-century. And mathematics played a major role in those warnings! But we ignored those warnings! As a veteran of World War II ("The Big War", as Archy calls it), I place the principal blame upon my generation, since we were there at the start of this ongoing fiasco.

But I also place blame upon The Media for not "hanging out a storm cloud" about the warnings and not reporting the successes. If The Media had told The Public about the role played by mathematics in crises of this half-century then we might now not be in an epidemic of mathematical illiteracy! And Lester Thurow, MIT economist, would not have to say, "Americans are not used to a world in which ordinary production workers need mathematical skills".

Here's a list of our fiascos (and a few but unreported, or poorly reported, successes).