One of Ronald Reagan's ploys in running for President was about a "Welfare Queen" who lived "high" while receiving Government checks under several different "welfare" names.

The issue of "ending Welfare" was big in the 1996 election. And some success has been achieved in "getting them off the rolls and into jobs". But some with jobs have had to continued on Food Stamps because the income from Minimum Wage puts, say, "single mothers", below "the poverty line". (Some estimate that "half" or "two-thirds" of those on Minimum Wage are "single mothers". But the opposition ignores this, talking about teenagers and such.)

But the Media has not sufficiently publicized the fact that many of our Military Personnel, with wives and children, find it necessary to draw on Food Stamps!

Oh, some politicians talk about "raising their pay", but the sound seems to be drowned out in cries for "more Defense spending", which would result in money for contractors and producers "at home"!

I've seen a lifetime of this kind of treatment for Military Personnel and Veterans.