SJ<--d--->JS ^ \ /^ | v\ / | t| \ |t | / \ | | /v \| V V SR<--d--->RSi.e., has the structure of an Abelian group on two generators (d, t ), i.e., the Klein Vieregruppe with the Cayley Table (PL):
|d t v i d|i v t d t|v i d t v|t d i v i|d t v iTheorem 2: We have a SUBRUPTURE ALGEBRA: SR {G, }; a SUPRARUPTURE ALGEBRA, RS {G, }; a SUBJUNCTURE ALGEBRA, SJ {G, }; a SUPRAJUNCTURE ALGEBRA, JS {G, } . Theorem 3: A {SR, RS. SJ, JS} is invariant under transformation of an automorphic group on G2 , namely, K.--Note: The above commutative diagram is equivalent to the Medieval square of opposition which began with Aristotle's syllogistic logic in the 4th century BC, containing three claims: that the syllogistic case of A (all cases) and O (no case) [below] are contradictories, that E (some cases exist) and I (some cases do not exist) are contradictories, and that A and E are contraries. (The diagram has appeared in logic texts since that time. Criticized very much in recent decades, it still finds reference.) The square of opposition embodies a group of theses in its diagram -- theses independent of the diagram. The theses specify logical relations for four logical forms:
NAME | FORM | TITLE | |||||
A | Every S is P | Universal Affirmative | |||||
E | No S is P | Universal Negative | |||||
I | Some S is P | Particular Affirmative | |||||
O | Some S is not P | Particular Negative |
. Problem: Can this be generalized to a group-theoretic relation between symtactic and semantic structures? between mathematics and metamathematics? between logic and metalogic?.